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Pregnancy & Newborns
Pregnancy is an exciting time for parents-to-be. You want to know as much as you can about your developing baby and how your actions will affect his health. Use this information to help you make informed decisions from conception through delivery.
Children's Health
You want the best for your child, from good nutrition to effective discipline to a breadth of life opportunities.

    More than 18 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes and more than 5 million more have diabetes but don't realize it, according to the CDC. Yet diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.

    Experts are increasingly urging people to know their BMI, a figure that takes into account not just weight but also height to indicate body fat.


      Atherosclerosis is when arteries get hardened and narrowed. Learn what causes it, how it harms your health, and what you can do to prevent it.

        The health content and information on this site is made possible through the generous support of the Haspel Education Fund.
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